Lincoln Little League History...

In 1959 Dave Williams and a few other businessmen went to nearby communities to gather used equipment and other needed items to form teams and to bring to Lincoln, California an organization known as Little League Baseball.

They began their search for a field to play on, so they asked a gentleman whom is known as "Mr. Baseball", and could never say "No".  His only reply was "I'll take care of it."  That he had done again and again.  He would build the first field with a wooden fence.  Along with the help of many volunteers and the snack bar, (which at the time was a used snow cone machine purchased for $25.00, with ice and syrup donated by Micky McCartney), the league began to grow.

Dave Williams and the five other businessman each donated $25.00 to get Lincoln Little League chartered, and by 1962 Lincoln Little League was recorded in Williamsport.  In the early 1960's the field was rebuilt by Mr. Little League and other volunteers, giving it an updated look with cyclone fencing and a bigger snack bar, which brings us to 1994 and the rebuilding of our field.  Mr. Little League and many other volunteers made our dream come true.

The biggest help came from the James Ira Mulligan Trust Fund.  James Mulligan played semi-pro baseball for the Potters here at our Senior Field.  It was once known as the best playing field in Northern California.  James Mulligan passed away in the early 1990's leaving Lincoln Little League 9% of his estate worth $30,400, with the stipulation that the principal be used for a structure that would last at least 20 years.

Mr. Little League was a marine from World War II.  He coached for many years, was an All-Star coach, umpired countless baseball games and had held many different board positions.  He was active in serving his community and held a position on the city council, doing his best to ensure that the youth of Lincoln were kept in mind.  Mr. Little League's name is Larry Costa, and in 1994 he was the Grand Marshall.  That was also the year that Lincoln Little League Re-dedicated the field that we play on to him.

There were many other volunteers that helped put together Larry Costa Field, and Lincoln Little League thanks them all, past, present, and future.