LLL has developed the following guidelines to help you figure out what to do about practices and games. CLICK HERE


If the *highest* AQI value (PM 2.5, PM 10, O3, CO, NO2) gets into the ranges defined below, do the following:

  • 151 and above (Very unhealthy):  Cancel all practices and games  for all age groups.
  • 127-150 (Unhealthy): Practices are allowed with no strenuous activity (base running, conditioning, etc) and limited to walk-through ONLY. Games are cancelled.
  • 101-126 (Unhealthy for sensitive groups): Practices are allowed but managers are to warn parents and players that if they belong to the "sensitive groups", they should tell their managers that they cannot participate in strenuous activity or games. Games are allowed.
  • 100 and below (Moderate/Good): All activities are allowed.




  • At 105 degrees +, All practices and games will be cancelled unless out of LLL's control (post-season tournaments, etc.)