Umpire Training Resources 


 Lincoln Little League Local Rules (MUST READ):

LLL 2022-23 Local League Rules

*Length of games, as per LL rulebook and District 11:
2 hour time limit when playing back to back games, meaning if AAA is playing 5pm and there is a 7:15pm Majors game after.
Otherwise, Majors games should consist of a full 6 innings if no game is scheduled after the current game. 
Only other limit will be 10pm curfew as per City of Lincoln which must be follows on weekdays. 

 Umpire Basics Training Guide (Great resource for Jr. Umpires):

Umpire Basics.pdf

 Umpire University:

 7 Pre-game to-do's:

 10 commonly misinterpreted Little League rules:

 How to garner respect from players and coaches: